Book for the anniversary of the XXX years of the architectural workshop "Evgeny Gerasimov and partners"


The book to the anniversary of XXX years of the architectural workshop “Evgeny Gerasimov and partners” (created in 1991 by architect Evgeny Gerasimov) presents an extensive catalogue of selected works (projects and realized constructions) with articles by Anna Martovitskaya.

Anna Martovitskaya is an architectural reviewer, author of the modern architecture guides of a number of European cities, chief editor of the publishing project «Todigest» and architectural journal «Speech», leading the YouTube channel “Arkhiblog Anna Martovitskaya”. We can see a unique author’s view on the place of the famous buildings of the arch-workshop in St. Petersburg and Moscow architecture, and an attempt to build a dialogue between the historical development and modern architecture. The chronological order unfolds the history of residential houses, museums, banks, hotels, public centers, which are already familiar with the architectural «organism» of the city. The project description incorporates artistic analysis, historical background and author’s metaphorical characteristics.

Architects and designers of the workshop “Evgeny Gerasimov and partners” (partners - Evgeny Gerasimov, Tatyana Komaldinova, Zoya Petrova, Karen Smirnov, Victor Khirvich) created more than 80 projects and buildings for Saint-Petersburg and Moscow. Among the bright works are the overpass of the Ushakov interchange, the office building on the Ostrovsky Square, the administrative and business center “Nevskaya City Hall”, the Jewish St.Petersburg Community House, the Congress and Exhibition complex “Expoforum”, “House by the Sea” (together with architect Sergei Tchoban), Art View House on the embankment of the Moika River, «Russian House» in Baskov Lane, residential complexes Futurist on Barochnaya Street and Neva Haus on Petrovsky Avenue in Petersburg, as well as multifunctional complexes “Tsarev Garden”, “Silver Fountain Moscow” and Alcon Tower in Moscow.

Many works of the workshop were honored with prestigious architectural awards in Russia and abroad.