​Evgeny Gerasmov’s proposals for Tuchkov Buyan


I would like to express my opinion on the future Vatny island, the construction of the Supreme Court premises in Saint Petersburg, and on the arrangement of the park.

My proposal is to build the Supreme Court buildings on the Vatny island, but without the residential block for the judges. Its place could be taken by the Supreme Court itself. Then all the three buildings, that is the Supreme Court, the Judicial Department, and the Boris Eifman Dance Palace could be arranged into a single line.

This solution provides for several advantages at once:
1. No need to seek for a new site for the Court Block.
2. A park will appear on the Vatny island: according to our design, its area was to be about 4 ha (almost 10 acres). Without the residential block, the park area enhances up to 5.3 ha (12.3 acres). For comparison, the whole area of the New Holland island is 7.8 ha (17.3 acres).
3. The last and the most important: it would save a great amount of money for the state (that is for us all).
This is about billions of roubles and years of work.

As many of you know, our Workshop together with Sergei Choban’s SPEECH Bureau was working on the design of the Supreme Court complex and Boris Eifman’s Dance Palace from 2016 to 2019. The design has been prepared in full, the payment for the work received. Commercially, my company has no interest in the construction of the complex exactly at this location. My proposal is that of an architect and a citizen of Saint Petersburg.
The groundworks at the site of the former State Institute of Applied Chemistry have almost been finished. All the foundations can be used to construct buildings on them. Boris Eifman’s Dance Palace is already under construction, and it is possible to continue the construction of the Judicial Department according to the design made. The Garden on Neva will be preserved. People of the city will get a new park available for all. There is an option to purchase the residential premises for the judges in one of the residential complexes currently under construction on the Petrovsky Island. And, most important of all, there is no need to spend city land, years of work, and gazillions of money on new designs and construction.
The proposal has been handed to the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation and to the City Administration of Saint Petersburg.